Happy Janus Day!
In the spirit of honouring the Roman god of beginnings and endings, transitions and doorways, let's look back at 2024 and forward to 2025.
5 things from 2024 that make us happy:
We bought land! This is never going to get old. The dreams. The possibilities. The commitment.
Sure it was a struggle and there were lots of ups and downs but it finally happened. 2024 was the year that coalesced Brian's perseverance in the concept, Alex's determination to find the right location, Marina's persistence in fundraising and a community of people willing to contribute cash and sweat equity to realize the dream. Well done!
Family Yulefest
As a community, we've had many inter-generational events over the years. Community members of all ages have been included in rituals. Festivals have been planned with children's activities. This year is the first in my memory that there has been an open Pagan event where the focus has been children. Beginning with a Sugar Plum Parade and Storytime, followed by Ritual, a shared meal, a children's craft and sucker pull and ending with a distribution of Yule gifts and a cake walk, the organizers of this event really out did themselves. Sure there was the weather. This is Nova Scotia after all. But those that were able to attend (thanks to the hardworking road crews throughout the province!), had a wonderful time.
Festival 2.0
In 2024 the Assembly hosted it's second festival at Sunken Lake. By all metrics, it was a success. Numbers of attendees increased. New and interesting workshops and rituals were shared. ADF Arch Druid Jean (Drum) Pagano was an honoured guest and presenter. And most importantly, a good time was had by all.
Community Building
2024 was the year the community displayed it's true strength. 2024 brought crises to members of our spiritual family and the community showed up. Four GoFundMe campaigns raised significant amounts for our members in need. Our fundraising drive for Yule baskets raised more money than the previous years. 2024 was the year that reassured us that although many of us follow a solitary spiritual path, we are not alone.
An original goal of the Assembly was to facilitate the creation of a chaplaincy that could advocate on behalf of our community in the mundane world. We are one step closer. Jenny Hartman has stepped up to do this difficult work. The Pagan Assembly is grateful for her expertise and her enthusiasm.
5 things we look forward to in 2025:
Yes, it was on the other list, but hey, it never gets old.
Legal Officiants
Just because something isn't easy does not mean it isn't worth doing. In a world that offers so much instant gratification, the journey to being recognized by the province is a slow process. It is a five year commitment. Five years of offering rites and rituals, gatherings and education, spiritual care and community before the province of Nova Scotia says: I see you. Maybe you are serious. This year our five year anniversary rolls around and we can make our case to have legally recognized officiants able to preform civilly recognized wedding ceremonies. Currently, Pagan officiants are endorsed by inter-faith churches or are Justices of the Peace. This will be the first time in Nova Scotian history that a Pagan faith community will have Registered Clergy with the province. We think this is a pretty big deal.
More Community Events
The community has grown over the years. We are so grateful for the enthusiasm and creativity of our members. It has never been the mandate of the Assembly to do everything but to facilitate and support our members as they create events and rituals. We have received many suggestions and offers of help for future events and we can't wait to see what 2025 will bring!
More Festivals
If you drop by the community online chats, you will notice that there is a lot of talk about festivals. We look forward to the Pagan Music Festival (yet to be named), the Maiden, Mother, Crone festival and our own, newly (nostalgically) named Avalon East Pagan Gathering. If you are a Pagan that enjoys camping and meeting new people, 2025 looks to be a good year. All without leaving the province!
More Public Rituals
Yes, that's right. The Assembly is committed to hosting more public rituals in 2025. Do you have an idea or a desire to lead a public ritual? Reach out and let us help you make that happen. Our strength is in our diversity and we can't wait to see what our members share with us! So there it is, our list. Make your own list. Recognize your wins, set your expectations for 2025.
And have a happy Janus Day!
If you want to hear Brian talk about the Assembly's wins in his own words, here is a link to the latest Three Witches and a Druid podcast.