Heathenry is a branch of Neo-Paganism focused on the customs and beliefs of northern pre-Christian Europe. One of the more common forms of Heathenry is Asatru, a religion focused on the worship of the Norse gods, such as Thor, Odin, and Freyja. A common symbol of heathenry is Mjolnir, Thor's hammer, worn as a pendant around the neck. Historically, Heathenry does vary based on geographical location and the specific mythologies of the region.
In addition to the Gods, Heathenry involves working with spirits called Landvaettir, (or Land Wights), trolls, and elves. A common ritual is a Blot, a sort of sacrificial ritual to honour the gods, and a Sumbel, a more celebratory ritual where a drink is passed around and everyone hails to good news, to the gods, or to the boasting of their friends!
Some Heathens may practice a form of shamanic witchcraft called Seidr, or use the Futhark runes for magic or divination. Aside from magic and worship, Heathenry incorporates a strong belief in honouring your ancestry, being hospitable and generous as a host, and being honourable in your words and deeds.
In Western society and especially in North America, Heathen and Norse symbols are frequently appropriated by far-right and white supremacist groups, but Heathenry is in fact open to all who wish to follow it. Research thoroughly any source for Heathen information, goods, groups, or art, to avoid supporting far-right extremism. This is a social responsibility that comes with being an honourable Heathen.