Solitary Practice
Not a Tradition, but a Path. Simply put a solitary practitioner is a person who has chosen to pursue their spiritual path without joining a group. They may practise in their homes or in nature. A solitary practitioner determines their own course of study and their own ritual calendar.
In the past, people chose the path of a solitary primarily due to the constraints of geography or fear. Even just a couple of decades ago, it could be difficult to find local pagan groups close. Also, there was a lot of hesitation and fear associated with being part of an alternative religion as cases of harassment and discrimination were not uncommon.
Today, a solitary practice offers many benefits. Busy schedules, family and work commitments mean it can be difficult for people to attend group meetings. Some people know that their personality and style of learning are better suited to solitary practice. With an increase in quality educational resources, a solitary practitioner is able to set their own curriculum without compromise to a larger group.
The path of the solitary is a growing phenomenon as reported in multiple surveys and statistical data.
Open pagan events and rituals, festivals and online groups can all sid the solitary practitioner in creating a supportive community of faith.